Wills, Probate and Trusts

Contemplating or dealing with issues relating to death or disability can be extremely difficult. The last thing most people need at such a time is the stress of dealing with financial paperwork and official forms. Our dedicated team can help you with:

  • Making a will
  • Acting as executor
  • Powers of attorney
  • Tax
  • Trusts


The most important thing about a will is that it clearly reflects your wishes. We can help draft your will so that it is not open to misinterpretation later. We can also give advice on the tax implications of your plans, and ways in which you can make sure you maximize your estate for your family or other beneficiaries.


We can ease the burden of administering a will while dealing with the loss of a family member or loved one. As either an executor or as advisors, we can help, from the first step of gathering information, to the final winding-up of the estate.

Powers of Attorney

Powers of attorney work in different ways and are suitable in different circumstances. Our team can make sure you put the right kind of power of attorney in place.


We all have to pay taxes, but no one likes to pay more than necessary. Miller Parris Solicitors can help you plan your affairs to minimize your tax liability. We can also help you with self-assessment tax returns, and preparation of annual accounts for private trusts.


Our experienced team have lengthy experience in implementing trusts, and in assisting trustees with their day-to-day administration, again all designed to meet your needs.

To discuss any of the above please contact Martin Troy on 01903 205771
or email martintroy@millerparris.co.uk

“Due to my age all dealings with Miller Parris have been home visits except my first dealings with your goodselves. All terms dealt with have been handled professionally for me over 15 years”

“(Would recommend) because the administration of my husband’s estate was dealt with efficiently and all queries answered to our satisfaction”